

My name is Visatouch. Also use “xerodotc” as an alias on the internet. I’m a software engineer working at some private company (take a look at my CV if you what to know where I’m working).

I have interests and passions for innovations and technologies that will impact everyday life and improve our standard of living. I’m also stand for people’s freedom, liberty and democracy. I’m against internet censorship and violation of privacy.

I like Japanese pop cultures (i.e. anime, manga, music, games, seiyuus, and concerts). BanG Dream! is my personal favorite series, and I would describe myself as BanGDreamer (BanG Dream! fan).

Profile and Portfolio


Other stuffs

Sometime, I do piano covers which are available for listening on SoundCloud.

If you’re asking what anime do I watch or what manga do I read, here’s my AniList profile. I used AniList to keep track of what I’m watching and reading.
